My Top 10 Reads of 2024!!!


It's that time again when I get to compile my list of ten books that stood out among all those that I've read this year. As always it was difficult putting this list together because I had the absolute privilege of reading SO MANY excellent fantasy and scifi books in 2024. This year especially saw some outstanding fantasy and scifi books being released both by the big publishers in the industry and also self-pub and indie. After much consideration I feel as if I've come up with an accurate representation of my ten favorites for this year. These books in particular wowed me just a little more than the rest. So without further delay here are the ten SFF books that totally blew my mind in 2024!

This is a huge book in pretty much every way. Huge in length, huge in galactic scope, with a huge cast of multi-dimensional characters. The main thrust of the plot is a very interesting one as the already established Celestials are now having to deal with a brand new group of colonists and see them as inferior just by virtue of the fact that they are new. Never mind that these Celestials were once exactly the same as the newly arrived colonists 40,000 years previously. I couldn't help but think that this was an intentional aspect of the storyline that kind of mirrors a lot of things that have happened in our real world history. And as the book progresses we get to see the same prejudices and stereotypes that have stained much of our past and present. I am constantly in awe of Peter F. Hamilton's incredible vision and ability to project that vision onto the written page. If you are looking for space opera that has a lot of meat on the bone, then you should jump on this right away. Click HERE for full review.

9. INTO THE RIFT by Clay Harmon
Admittedly dark fantasy is probably my favorite subgenre along with portal fantasy. So I was already inclined to enjoy it but what also moved me about that book was the emotional aspect of the characters and the intriguing plot. It also had some top-notch worldbuilding, I mean what's not to love about a story that takes place in a subterranean volcanic world existing beneath a frozen wasteland. It is one of the more unique settings I've come across in fantasy to be quite honest and I was fascinated by it immediately. This one takes the solid foundation laid out in the first book Flames of Mira and expands on both the story itself and the incredible worldbuilding. There's just tons to love about this book and its predecessor. You get a cool history of the world, discoveries of mysterious artifacts, an evil antagonist in the enigmatic Sovereign, a setting that is constantly dazzling you as you traverse through its harsh and desolate landscape, and a tightly constructed and compelling story that is teeming with some pretty cool dark sorcery throughout. Click HERE for full review.

8. IN THE SHADOW OF THEIR DYING by Michael R. Fletcher & Anna Smith Spark
A brief warning to anyone who decides to give this one a go - it's bloody, violent, and well just flat-out bloody violent. But I expect no less when these two brilliant dark fantasy authors converge. So just be prepared as you embark on this journey, it's Grimdark AF and not a feel-good tale. What it is though is an absolute whirlwind of a story that involves an assassination plot set smack dab in the middle of the sacking and siege of a city. So there's a lot going on and none of it is depicted in a half-hearted way, it's all pedal to the floor with furiously quick-hitting alternating chapters that fly by in the blink of an eye due to the unbelievably engaging characters and setting. I highly recommend this brilliant novella if you are looking for a shorter fantasy read that still packs an incredible punch when it comes to an amazing plot. So pull up a stool at the legendary and notoriously shady Dripping Bucket Tavern and get ready to be dazzled by two masters at the height of their craft right now. Click HERE for my full review.

7. RELICS OF RUIN by Erin M. Evans
As I got deeper into this sequel to Empire of Exiles I immediately picked up on the fact that this one was going to be a bit of a slower-paced story and much more character-focused. I have no problem with this because Robin Hobb does this a lot in her series as well and she's one of my all-time favorite authors. Sometimes putting on the brakes a bit and focusing more on the characters' motivations, their struggles, and their individual backstories is an effective way to lend some more depth and increase the investment for the reader when things really start to get dicey and they get put into dangerous situations. And that's what we get in RELICS OF RUIN, a good deal more focus on how these people connect with each other and attempt to prepare to face what might be coming. This isn't instant-gratification fantasy, it requires a certain amount of patience, time, and attention investment from the reader. These are exactly the kinds of stories that I enjoy best though because I don't feel as if I'm being told or spoon-fed a story as much as living it right along with the characters. Click HERE for my full review.

6. THE LAST SHIELD by Cameron Johnston
Thrill ride doesn't even begin to describe this book and how nonstop the intense action is. From the very first page we are thrown into a devious conspiracy and it doesn't really let up from there as a sinister plot is launched and it falls upon the severely battle-injured main character Briar to protect a bratty and frankly prickish prince and heir to the throne from a seemingly endless group of deadly assassins. Physically hampered though she may be, Briar also knows every secret tunnel and escape route within the palace like the back of her hand and she will need to rely on her cunning, experience, and sheer force of will to deny the conniving scoundrels the prize they want. This is a book that takes you on a thrilling chase filled with dark underground passageways, countless moments of uncertain dangers, and some of the most wildly engaging storytelling, period. If you haven't read a Cameron Johnston book yet you are cheating yourself out of one of the most imaginative voices in the genre. Click HERE for my full review.

5. DEEP BLACK by Miles Cameron
This sequel begins not too long after the thrilling events that concluded the first book, Artifact Space. Without getting into too many details, as this is the second book in a series, Marca Nbaro is on the Greatship Athens with her fellow crewmates recovering from her previous ordeal and preparing for the greater battle that could very well be coming. To say that there are a number of threats in the particular star system where Marca is now stationed is a severe understatement. And that's part of the many reasons why this series is just firing on all cylinders and keeping the action to a fever pitch. There's no shortage of spacefaring enemies lurking and ready to strike with the least possible warning. This book pretty much had it all: suspense, romance, intrigue, military strategy, an enigmatic alien species, and of course the hallmark space battles that one would expect from an entertaining space opera adventure. In the end I was more than captivated by this book and that is really no surprise given what a fan I am already of Miles Cameron's work. I knew it was going to be great but I didn't expect the wonderful surprises that Cameron threw in there to intensify my enjoyment that much more. If you are into authors like James S.A. Corey, Peter F. Hamilton, and Adrian Tchaikovsky, you should definitely pick up this series. Click HERE for my full review.

As this is the final book in this trilogy I will attempt to avoid any specifics or delve into anything that could stray into possible spoiler territory. The Redwinter Chronicles has been a true breath of fresh air for me as a fantasy reader for a number of reasons. First is it doesn't follow the usual formula or pattern that we see so much of in the genre these days. Another reason is the magic system is so original and involved that it really makes you think about the limitless possibilities of just how imaginative these elements can ultimately be going forward. Ed McDonald's brain functions on a whole other level and it shows in pretty much everything he writes. This final book delivered on every single promise made in the previous two and once again I am in awe of the way McDonald weaves together all of the plots and makes you care about his characters in such a way that the investment is super real when the climactic conflict does eventually take place. Just another brilliant book and series that solidifies McDonald as a must-read author. Click HERE for my full review.

3. THE SWORD UNBOUND by Gareth Hanrahan
Diving into this sequel after being absolutely blown away by its predecessor was a little unnerving to be honest. The first book was so good that I hoped I would be just as dazzled by this one. I needn't have worried because this book expands the scope of the overall story and delivers some of the best and darkest fantasy I've experienced in a while. It's hard not to enjoy a book that includes the dead city Necrad, cloaked in secrets and malicious magic, zombies risen from the dead to terrorize the populace, past/present heroes of legend like The NINE who are each individually flawed causing them to at times engage in a power struggle that could threaten the future for everyone, and a pain in the ass sword that although as powerful as any weapon ever crafted, isn't always the most pleasant or cooperative most of the time. Ultimately though my favorite part of this book, as with any Hanrahan book, is his crazy inventive and atmospheric settings. I mentioned that they are almost characters in their own right and I truly mean that. I'm amazed at how vividly both Necrad and its surrounding cities and forests are portrayed. There's an ominous feel to everyone and everything who populate them, whether they be humans, dwarves, witch elves, vampires or goblins. And those are just a sampling of the types of characters you will come across. Honestly there's just so many things to keep you engaged in this book and series and if you don't have it on your to-read shelf, you are missing out on such a magical journey. Click HERE for my full review.

I wasn't expecting to finish this book in two days but that's exactly what ended up happening. I was actually reading another book and just picked this one up to see what it was all about. After about 10 pages in I devoted my entire reading time to this one as with every paragraph I was sucked into an amazing mystery and an incredibly cool method of delivery. By that I mean interspersing things like images, photographs, blueprints, and sketch drawings within the book in strategic places. I even came across a page that had a QR code that when scanned with my phone brought up a link that played an audio snippet that is germane to that scene and the overall story. As if that wasn't enough, Hughes also uses different typefaces/fonts throughout the book, each assigned to a specific character. So you always know which viewpoint that particular part of the book is being told from. I won't say I've never seen this method before, Mark Danielewski does something somewhat similar with his horror book House of Leaves. I feel like I rarely read books like this anymore, ones that are so captivating that I need to finish them in a day or two. I mean, this is a 400 page book that I devoured in roughly 48 hours, that's how utterly absorbing it is. I think what also made it so hard to put down was the fact that it was so interactive of an experience. The pages fly by effortlessly as the puzzle pieces are deftly laid out for the reader to put together. All the while Rian Hughes' background as a photographer, typographer, graphic designer, and comic book artist really shine through magnificently and lend another dimension that keeps every sense stimulated and your brain fully engaged the entire time you are reading. Click HERE for my full review.

1. THE FURY OF THE GODS by John Gwynne
This final entry in John Gwynne's brilliant Norse-inspired Bloodsworn Saga was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 and ultimately my favorite read of the year! This trilogy is set in such a harsh desolate terrain and unforgiving climate and yet the worldbuilding itself and the characters who inhabit it are some of the most vibrant and full of life that I have ever come across. Starting with the warrior, turned farmer, turned battle tested warrior again, Orka. Her singularity of focus in trying to find her kidnapped son is admirable and at times awe-inspiring. Yet this isn't even close to the most impressive of her qualities. I became so connected with her in particular which made what transpired in this final volume even more high stakes and white knuckle inducing as someone who has lived and died with her every thought and action up to this point. Her POV chapters are interspersed with Elvar, Varg, Biorr and Gudvarr, each a major player in both the "good" and "bad" sides, carrying the plot all the way up to the absolutely heart-stopping climax. All I can say is that John Gwynne has pulled off another stunning epic of a fantasy series. It is filled with Norse folklore and locales, dragons and resurrected gods, and characters who don't just leap off the page, they soar into your consciousness and make you think about them even after you put the book down. If you have been searching for a fantasy series that will move you and make you feel almost every emotion possible, you should pick up the Bloodsworn Saga. And if you haven't had the chance to read any other John Gwynne books, please go and correct that immediately. His back catalog is well worth the time and effort to devote. In all honesty, there's simply not too many authors out there who can tell a story quite like him. Click HERE for my full review.

And there you have it, my list of favorite reads of 2024! I hope you enjoyed checking out which books stood out to me this past year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the authors and publishers who wrote the books I read this year and also provided me with advance copies of many if not all of them. This is something that I am always grateful for and never take for granted. I look forward to 2025 and many more years of amazing reads to come!

Happy Reading and Happy Holidays!


  1. My TBR list just got bigger! I've wanted to read The Fury of the Gods, and I definitely will in the next year!


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