Book Review - RISE OF THE MAGES by Scott Drakeford

(Title: Rise of the Mages / Author: Scott Drakeford / Publisher: Tor / Publication Date: February 5, 2022 / Total Pages: 400)

Book Blurb
Emrael Ire wants nothing more than to test to be a weapons master. His final exam will be a bloody insurrection, staged by corrupt nobles and priests, that enslaves his brother.

With the aid of his War Master tutor, herself an undercover mage, Emrael discovers his own latent and powerful talents.

To rescue his brother, Emrael must embrace not only his abilities as a warrior but also his place as last of the ancient Mage Kings - for the Fallen God has returned.

Scott Drakeford's RISE OF THE MAGES is a solid epic fantasy that counts among its attributes a highly inventive magic system and some fascinating world-building. As I was reading it I couldn't help but think of the similarity in feel to the stories of Kel Kade and Sam Hawke, whom I love so much. I definitely got some of those same vibes while immersing myself in this book. Part of that similarity also lies in the fact that RotM is rife with court and military intrigue, and it is so fabulously well done in my opinion.

By the author's own admission, his debut fantasy novel has been roughly a decade in the making, and it is pretty obvious when you read the wonderfully polished prose and interesting storyline. The opening chapters hooked me immediately as little nuggets of past event are hinted at that have led to the current situation among kingdoms and the people who occupy them. We realize pretty early on that a war took place some time ago called the Unification War. It's also clear that although labelled nicely enough, a distinct tension remains and there are those in the upper echelons of power who would like nothing more than to destroy whatever tentative peace holds all of the various factions at bay.

There are also those who are seen as undesirables following this war, partially represented by the main character Emrael and his brother Ban. The discrimination that they and their people face on a daily basis is something that I found hard to stomach and as the story progresses, Emrael's tolerance in particular is severely tested. When rumors begin to spread that the governor Corrande might be plotting to consolidate an alliance between church and state in an effort to rekindle the war and fulfill his visions of conquest, it becomes incumbent on Emrael and his allies to find a way to fight back and stop that from happening. To do this he must attempt to rally a fairly large contingent of those who have been scorned and spat upon for far too long.

This book had so many things that I enjoy in a cracking fantasy read. One aspect that I really love in a story is when the antagonists are truly sickening and evil to their core. It really ups the investment for me bigtime. And the 'bad guys" in RotM made me so spitting angry to the point where I truly wanted to see the forces of good prevail in a very complete and convincing way. Do they prevail? Well, you'll have to read RISE OF THE MAGES and find out for yourself because I'm not telling.

In the end, I was thoroughly impressed with this book and I am really looking forward to seeing where the rest of the Age of Ire series goes from here. Drakeford has certainly laid the groundwork for a truly captivating epic fantasy series that should entertain and excite the vast majority of SFF readers. Hopefully we won't have too long to wait for the sequel. My final read of 2021 did not disappoint and I look forward to carrying that momentum into the new year!

Overall Rating:


  1. Sickening antogonist and a captivating epic first book sounds great, Nick. 🙂


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