Cover Reveal Requests

For those wishing to gain visibility for their brand new cover and promote an upcoming book release, Out of This World SFF can provide an official cover reveal post that is 100% free and at no cost to the author. I only ask for at least a 3 day lead time because it takes a while to construct the cover reveal while also factoring in my work and other blog post schedule. ***Disclaimer - Please no AI-generated covers!***

Here is everything you need to know to schedule your cover reveal:

1. First, get in touch with me via the email form on the Home Page of this blog and request your reveal! Please include your name and the title of the book in your request. (Just as an FYI: I reserve the right to decline any request based on my current blog schedule or any other factor that could prohibit me from doing a proper or timely reveal).

2. If your request is approved, please provide me with all of the materials needed to create your post. This includes the cover art file, synopsis/blurb of the book, publication date, author bio and photo, preorder or purchase links, author social media links, and any other optional elements that you would like included such as a sample chapter, audiobook clip, giveaway etc...

3. Pick a date!  As I said earlier, please allow me at least 3 days lead time for your cover reveal post to be published. But outside of that, it is totally up to you as to when you would like your post to go public. So make sure to have that date in mind and then pass it along to me around the same time that you email me all of your materials.

4. Once the cover reveal post goes live on the blog, I will amplify it by tweeting it out to my 9K followers on Twitter. Often times I will also send out an "in case you missed it" tweet 8-10 hours later. I do my best to communicate and give authors updates pertaining to the total pageviews just to give an idea of how many sets of eyes have seen the reveal on day one.

And that's pretty much it! Thank you so much for considering Out of This World SFF for your official cover reveal. I strive to make sure that every author comes away more than satisfied with the entire experience and my priority is to make it as stress-free a process as possible. If you would like to peruse some of the cover reveal posts that I have done in the past, simply click the quick search label titled "Cover Reveals" in the sidebar of the Home Page and they will all be pulled up. By all means check out a few so that you can see what your post might look like.



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